
Sustainable Company Certificate™

Without companies' commitment, it will not be possible to achieve the SDG objectives set by the United Nations in the Global Compact for the 2030 Agenda.

The path to a sustainable society lies in the current and future repercussions in the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects.

We evaluate the environmental impact of our clients’ activity, with the United Nations criteria, and guide them to reduce it, improving their competitiveness.

With the SCC™ certificate, we demonstrate the ethical, social and environmental commitment and its consolidation within the business strategy.

Benefits for the company


  • Increase in business opportunities.
  • Ease of trading with investors.
  • Increase competitiveness.
  • Access to new markets, internationalization, and public contracts.
  • Facilitate access to grants


  • Grant visibility to corporate social responsibility.
  • Improve reputation.
  • Build trust with customers.
  • Contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.